Thursday, March 13, 2014

HE'S HERE! - Introducing Maxwell Clinton Lang

Well! Stripping my membranes worked.  Immediately after the appointment, I started to feel sharper cramps. We were sitting in the assembly (Scenes from Peter Pan, our musical) and I could not get comfortable. Every once in awhile I would have a stabbing pain too.  I played it off like everything was okay but I also informed my boss and others what had happened at that morning's appointment. And, being the preparer that I am, I made a "Just in Case" set of lesson plans for the sub.

Fast forward to 5 pm. I was in the middle of giving the National Spanish Exam to about 19 of my students.  The pains were closer together but not in any timed interval. I was doing my best to conceal my situation from the kids but even walking around the room to check on their progress was difficult. Little did I know, I was in early labor!

Got home, begged Clint to go to the store for me because I couldn't really move around without being in pain, settled on the couch and proceeded to complain for the next four hours.  Even while I was eating chocolate, raspberry ice-cream (Ben and Jerry's Core - You have to try it), I was complaining about the pain. That's how Clint and I knew I was really feeling it.  Ice cream usually cures everything.

Called my mom, asked about timing contractions because I didn't really know what I was experiencing. Tried to time a few, decided to settle into bed after calling the doctor. He recommended waiting it out.  But, by about 11:30 am, the pains were consistently awful and I felt like I had to pee every minute.  I woke Clint and told him I wanted to go to the hospital just to get checked out.  I wanted peace of mind, and I was in PAIN!!!

Okay….I will give you part two in the next post. But for now, here he is!! Maxwell Clinton Lang born March 6, 2014 at 7:47 pm. He was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long.


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