Thursday, March 13, 2014

HE'S HERE! - Introducing Maxwell Clinton Lang

Well! Stripping my membranes worked.  Immediately after the appointment, I started to feel sharper cramps. We were sitting in the assembly (Scenes from Peter Pan, our musical) and I could not get comfortable. Every once in awhile I would have a stabbing pain too.  I played it off like everything was okay but I also informed my boss and others what had happened at that morning's appointment. And, being the preparer that I am, I made a "Just in Case" set of lesson plans for the sub.

Fast forward to 5 pm. I was in the middle of giving the National Spanish Exam to about 19 of my students.  The pains were closer together but not in any timed interval. I was doing my best to conceal my situation from the kids but even walking around the room to check on their progress was difficult. Little did I know, I was in early labor!

Got home, begged Clint to go to the store for me because I couldn't really move around without being in pain, settled on the couch and proceeded to complain for the next four hours.  Even while I was eating chocolate, raspberry ice-cream (Ben and Jerry's Core - You have to try it), I was complaining about the pain. That's how Clint and I knew I was really feeling it.  Ice cream usually cures everything.

Called my mom, asked about timing contractions because I didn't really know what I was experiencing. Tried to time a few, decided to settle into bed after calling the doctor. He recommended waiting it out.  But, by about 11:30 am, the pains were consistently awful and I felt like I had to pee every minute.  I woke Clint and told him I wanted to go to the hospital just to get checked out.  I wanted peace of mind, and I was in PAIN!!!

Okay….I will give you part two in the next post. But for now, here he is!! Maxwell Clinton Lang born March 6, 2014 at 7:47 pm. He was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long.


38 weeks preggo - SPOILER ALERT - last preggo post!

How far along? - 38 weeks - could come anytime
Total weight gain: -Actually lost a pound at this week's appointment on Wednesday  
Maternity clothes? - Ughhh…I am so over them. I cannot wait until I can dress fashionably and in cute clothes again. 
Stretch marks? - None
Sleep: Bad!  Labor pains often keep me up at night or wake me up in the middle of night. I have also been having anxiety that wakes me up too. For example, the latest worry is that I have scared off my long-term sub and will have to scramble to find a replacement in the last two weeks. It's not going to happen but my brain has a weird way of working itself up. 
Best moment this week: Just the usual, although I am pretty sure my husband is nesting. In the past few days, he has cleaned out our storage to make room for baby stuff, fixed the vacuum that was clogged with one needles from Christmas, vacuumed downstairs, and put up final little odds and ends in the nursery.  I had off Monday and Tuesday due to snow and I went through all our bills in the office.  If you can call that nesting, then I guess I was nesting.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: No just painful contractions.
Gender: Boy!  I am so excited to see what he looks like and how he acts. 
Symptoms: Labor pains (early I guess).  Wednesday during the day, I was 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated. The midwife stripped my membranes and told me if my body was ready, I could go into labor within 24 hours (SPOILER ALERT- It worked!) 
Belly button in or out: Flat 
Wedding rings on or off: off
Looking forward to: March 17? 

Some pics: 
 Last preggo pics…(38 w 2 days)

 Oskar says, "I'm ready now, Mama. You can have that baby!"

37 weeks preggo

How far along? - 37 weeks - 3 to go...
Total weight gain: -Gained about 2 pounds this week (up to 151). Started at 124. You do the math
Maternity clothes? - I seriously don't know how much longer I will be able to hold out…nothing fits!! 
Stretch marks? - I don't think so...
Sleep: Still sleeping okay although some Braxton Hicks keep me awake.  
Best moment this week: Met with my long-term sub and he shadowed me for two days this week. Everything went really well. I feel great leaving the kids in his hands. This is getting real. Also, Clint and I did our last minute shopping- got a stroller, high chair, and some last minute odds and ends 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No 
Gender: Boy!  We cannot wait to meet you, buddy : ) 
Symptoms: Just Braxton Hicks…although they might be early labor pains now. Still no change in cervix. Just feeling very heavy 
Belly button in or out: Neither. It's flat or nonexistent 
Wedding rings on or off: off 
Looking forward to: his birth! (Well, minus the pain part) 

Some 37 week pics (Some 36 week too)